1. It Takes Too Long.
I recently had a parent tell me that it is so much easier for her to just do the chore than to wait for her kid to finish. She wondered if it was worth it.

“It takes my son 28 minutes to unload the bottom drawer of the dishwasher but it only takes me TWO!
Should I even bother?”
Yes! You should bother. You are teaching your child life skills. Keep encouraging your child to do the chore and it will get easier for your child (and faster) over time.
Depending on the age and ability of your child(ren), there are a few other things you can try. Remember, you know your child best, only try these if you think your child is capable (won’t break glass dishes while unloading, won’t leave streaks on mirrors while washing, etc.).
For older children, set a time limit (“This chore needs to be done by 4 pm today.”) For any age, have your child race a timer to get the chore done. If your child is still learning how to do the chore, or maybe has “forgotten” how to do it the way you want it done, do the chore with your child.
2. My Child Doesn’t Want to do Chores.
Really?! I don’t like to grocery shop but my family needs to eat… so I go. But let me tell you how I really feel. 😉
When your child understands why they need to do chores as part of your family and knows exactly what is expected, they are more likely to “buy-in” and do them.
That said, there is a learning curve and it won’t happen overnight. I have tons of ideas to help determine which chores your child should do and how to make them less painful so that your child actually gets them done.
3. My Child is Too Busy to do Chores.
There is so much going on in the world right now. Younger kids are learning, or re-learning, how to socialize with others – parents, eager for a break, are scheduling playdates left and right. Older kids are right back into the swing of homework, practices, rehearsals, lessons, and more.

If you think your child is too busy to do chores,
please think again.
You could possibly relax your long list of chores down to just a few during busy times during the year.
However, they could, and in my strong opinion still should do at least a few chores. As I said above, you are teaching your child life skills. Not just how to do the chore and take care of themselves, but also the ability to manage their time wisely. This doesn’t happen overnight and most children need a bit of help, but it can be done.
4. It’s More Work for the Parent.
Yep. Sometimes that happens. Often when a child first does a chore it can end up messier than prior to the chore being done.
Your goal is to teach them how to do the chore in the way that you would like it to be done.
I talk about this in my Chores Class and give you step-by-step instructions to help teach your child to be successful.
Besides being life skills that your children need to survive
when they leave your house,
teaching your child to do chores can also make your life easier!
My girls started helping with laundry when they were 4. I haven’t done their laundry, except on a few special occasions, in years. Do you know how much time that saves me? Not to mention the fact that laundry is not one of my favorite chores, so there’s that, too!
5. You Didn’t Ask!
If you don’t have a plan for your child to start doing chores, they won’t.
Sure, some kids like things neat and tidy. However, most won’t naturally unload the dishwasher or take the garbage out when it’s full.
You can certainly teach them to do it, but without you taking the lead, it is highly unlikely to happen.
There are plenty of books out there to help you do this. However, if you don’t have time to read them and want to get a jump start, sign up for a 1:1 session with me (click here to schedule) or get on the list to be notified the next time I offer my 1-hour Chores Class.
6. Parents Want to Take Care of Their Children When They Move Home in Their Twenties.
Said no parent ever!
Seriously, if you don’t want to be cleaning your child’s room, doing their laundry, and cooking for them after they are supposed to be living on their own, help them learn and do chores!

CLICK HERE to be notified when I teach my next
Chores Class.
Here are a few other blog posts I think you may like:
Should Taking Care of Pets be Included as a Chore?
Take advantage of this for the month of May 2022!
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