This blog was inspired by a conversation with a client who was “frustrated beyond belief” at mealtime. One year, I decided that one of the “chores” my daughters would be responsible for was helping in the kitchen. I didn’t enforce this as much as I probably could have/should have at the time. But “Helpers […]
20 Freezer Meals in a Weekend: Combat Mealtime Madness (Part 2)
This blog was inspired by a conversation with a client who was “frustrated beyond belief” at mealtime. One time on a whim, I ordered a “20 Freezer Meals in a Weekend” package. It was a download that included 20 recipes, a master list of ingredients, instructions on how to prepare the food, and directions on […]
Dinner Brainstorm List: Combat Mealtime Madness (Part 1)
This blog was inspired by a conversation with a client who was “frustrated beyond belief” at mealtime. I’ll be honest. Although I don’t mind cooking, I am not a foodie. And I’m not embarrassed to admit that I would be perfectly happy eating most of my meals off a typical kids’ menu if the food […]
Feet off the Floor Time
Dear Dr. Renee, I saw one of the other questions this week and decided I had to write, too. Parenting two young children was a bit crazy before the pandemic, but after a year, I’m tired. Honestly, some days I am drop-dead-exhausted. How do I do this while not feeling comfortable about having a babysitter […]
Feeling Swamped and Overwhelmed
Dear Dr. Renee, I’m feeling overwhelmed. There is SO much to keep track of now that we’re on child #3. All the toys, clothes, shoes, and accessories are just one big mess. Help! Feeling Swamped Dear Feeling Swamped, No one warns you when you get ready to have children just how much stuff accompanies them! […]
6 Actions to combat COVID-Fatigue
As summer winds to a close and parents are faced with a lot of decisions to make about school for their children in the fall… a lot of us are facing “COVID-Fatigue.” I don’t know if COVID-Fatigue is a formal term yet, but it is similar to decision-fatigue. It is real and it can be […]