If you are looking to improve your parenting, you are not alone. It’s one of those areas that anyone who is trying to parent continually works on, sometimes daily, even those of us with fancy academic degrees and lots of experience. What is beautiful about improving your parenting, is that your kids benefit, too. As […]
4 Tips for Enjoying Valentine’s Day with Your Child
I always have big plans for celebrating holidays, including Valentine’s Day. Sometimes these plans come close to reality, sometimes they don’t! Once I had kids, I had to learn to alter my Martha Stewart or Disney-Perfect plans a bit in order to be successful. Happy Valentine’s Day! (Originally posted in February 2017, updated February 2022) […]
You’ve Got This!
Focus on the Positive Part II Last week I wrote about the self-fulfilling prophecy: “You will find what you are looking for.” So why not look for the good?! I invited you to take some time to really stop to notice all the things your child can do and some things about him that make […]
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.- JK Rowling I like to think of a theme for each year. It helps give me focus and something bigger to aim for in all areas of my life. My theme for 2016 was “Take Care of the Caretaker“. For 2017, my theme is “Anything’s […]
Happy New Year!
I hope you survived the Holidays and had lots of fun with your family. If it was a bit of a struggle for you, congratulations on getting through it, even with some bumps and bruises. Think of this new year as a great time to make a new start. I’ve decided that my theme […]