Dear Dr. Renee,This has been a tough year. I know school is still a few months off, but how do I help prepare my kids? I think they are going to be miles and miles behind academically.-Sam Dear Sam,I am currently working with many parents who are worrying about their children’s academic progress right now. I […]
What about School?
Over the past week, a number of parents have shared their thoughts and fears about the start of school this fall. Some parents are anxious to send their kids to school so that everything can get to the new ‘normal.’ In the meantime, others lie awake at night worried about what school will look like. […]
Organizing the Disorganized Child
Organizing the Disorganized Child Your son/daughter has been in elementary or middle school for a while and things should be flowing along smoothly at this point. Right? Unfortunately, for many kids, this is not the case! Papers from school might, or might not, make it into your child’s backpack. Homework assignments that are done, seem […]
6 Back to School Tips to Ease Anxiety
Updated 8/7/23It’s that time of year! Most kids, parents, and teachers are excited to jump into the new school year.Yet for some kids, back to school time can be terrifying, or at the least, be overwhelming. It is NORMAL for kids (parents and teachers, too) to feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. There are […]
Back to School
I love this time of year! There are fresh school supplies in the stores, the weather starts to change, and there are so many hope-filled possibilities. Yes, it’s “Back To School” time. My disclaimer before you read the rest of this post, so that you know my bias: I am not one of those […]