Dear Dr. Renee,I know you have written about kids not interrupting before, but I need help teaching my kids to be patient. What happens when they get back to school this fall and don’t wait for someone else to take a turn?– Allie Dear Allie,This is a question I hear a lot – and not just […]
For Self Care: Get Up Before the Kids They Say!
Dear Dr. Renee,I hear all the time that I should “get up before my kids” so that I can have time for myself. My oldest wakes up around 6:30/7 AM. I am not a morning person. I can not do it. Any suggestions to help me make time for self care?-Ceci Dear Ceci, I can […]
How To Stay Calm When Your Child Is Not …
Dear Dr. Renee, We’ve had a lot happening in the past few weeks. Due to less sleep and a number of other things, there have been a lot of tantrums. How do I stay calm when my child is not?– Jen Dear Jen, It is so hard to remain calm when you have a lot […]
What to Do When Siblings Pull Punches
Dear Dr. Renee, My 8- and 10-year-old daughters are fighting! I am not talking about wrestling for fun. I am talking about kicking and hitting each other when they get mad. What should I do when they start to pull punches? How can I get this to stop?– Alex Dear Alex,Little kids feel big emotions. […]
I Had It First!
Dear Dr. Renee,My kids are constantly battling over who “had it first!” This happens with each other and also with their friends. I am always rushing in to negotiate and make things right. How do I get them to take turns without needing me to jump in?-Cheryl Dear Cheryl,It is a parental reflex to want […]
Stopping Sibling Spats
Dear Dr. Renee,I can’t handle the fighting! My kids argue over everything and over even the littlest things. Please help me make this stop!Sick of Sibling Spats, Monica(mom of three: 5, 8, 10 years old) Dear Monica,You sound exhausted! Fortunately, it does not seem like the fighting you describe is cruel or intending harm. No […]