Dear Dr. Renee,It is almost summer and I can’t wait! It has been a long year and both my kids and I need this break. My problem is that we still have about 3 weeks of school left and my son seems to be goofing off more than usual. He is getting into trouble at […]
I Just Want Them to Go to Sleep!
Dear Dr. Renee, I am having a hard time getting my kids in bed on time. Well, actually, I have a hard time getting my kids to go to sleep once they are in bed. My son needs a drink of water, or my daughter wants another hug. It’s always ‘one more thing’ and I […]
How To Stay Calm When Your Child Is Not …
Dear Dr. Renee, We’ve had a lot happening in the past few weeks. Due to less sleep and a number of other things, there have been a lot of tantrums. How do I stay calm when my child is not?– Jen Dear Jen, It is so hard to remain calm when you have a lot […]
Who is Your Favorite Child?
Dear Dr. Renee,My kids are always asking me who my favorite child is? How do I respond to this?– Kristy Dear Kristy, This is a fun question for me. We all know we should not play favorites but some days … It can be scary when you hear your child/children ask “Who is your favorite?” […]
Building Positive Sibling Relationships
Dear Dr. Renee,We just moved to a new state and my children are getting along great. I’m sure it is because they don’t have anyone else to play with right now. How do I keep this positive sibling relationship going after we all make new friends and get busy again?-Elaine Dear Elaine, Congratulations to you […]
What to Do When Siblings Pull Punches
Dear Dr. Renee, My 8- and 10-year-old daughters are fighting! I am not talking about wrestling for fun. I am talking about kicking and hitting each other when they get mad. What should I do when they start to pull punches? How can I get this to stop?– Alex Dear Alex,Little kids feel big emotions. […]